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NFT Project

NFT Project

In July 2024 we launched our NFT collection, which consists of 1,000 randomly generated casino-themed NFTs. Users who own an NFT will receive distributions from the casino equal to 1/[circ supply]th of 50% of the funds that the house collects. So if it is day 100 of the auction and 100 NFT's are in circulation, each holder receives 1/100th of 50%. There is no need to stake to receive profits.

We will be minting 1 NFT per day for 950 days (with the remaining 50 being held in the treasury), on an auction style basis with no reserve. We are utilizing this method because in the beginning when profits are low, there will be less holders sharing in this pool. As the project grows along with profits, the circulating supply of NFTs will also grow so more users will share in a higher profit pool.

NFT's can be minted on