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Our token distribution is as follows:

Treasury 40,000 $SNAKE (40.0%)

Core Team 10,000 $SNAKE (10.0%)

Token Presale 25,000 $SNAKE (25.0%)

Initial DEX Liquidity 5,000 $SNAKE (5.0%)

Rewards Platform Giveaways 10,000 $SNAKE (10.0%)

Liquidity Incentives 10,000 $SNAKE (10.0%)

TOTAL SUPPLY 100,000 $SNAKE (100.0%)

Treasury - 40% - 40,000 SNAKE Tokens

The treasury serves as a vital resource to fuel project development, marketing efforts, and partnerships. Detailed allocation within the treasury can be read further down in the whitepaper.

Core Team & Advisors - 10% - 10,000 SNAKE Tokens

To align the interests of the core team and advisors with the project's long-term success, 10% of the token supply is allocated to this category. These tokens will vest over 24 months, beginning in Q1 2024 (January 1, 2024), and be disbursed at internally agreed upon rates to any/all current core members. Back payments will be made to core member(s) at the Token Creation Date, as work has begun on Jan 1 but the token has not yet been launched.

Token Presale (ICO/IDO) - 25% - 25,000 SNAKE Tokens

25,000 tokens will be allocated for the token presale. Funds from this presale will be used for development, marketing, and/or casino and token liquidity.

Rewards Platform Giveaways - 10% - 10,000 SNAKE Tokens

10,000 tokens will be given away to users who interact with our rewards / enagement platform during Q3 of 2024. This will ensure visibility to the project and ensure the onboarding of users. Details of this platform to follow.

Liquidity Incentives - 10% - 15,000 SNAKE Tokens

10% of the total token supply will be allocated for initial liquidity providers on Uniswap, which will be distributed for between 32 and 80 months (depending on emissions rate). Rewards will be emitted at a rate of between 187.50 to 468.75 tokens per month split between all liquidity providers. Below you will find the emission schedule, which will start at 187.50 per month and go up, giving higher rewards to long-term stakers.

1x Initial Reward Level (All LPs start at this level when epoch begins)

1.5x Reward Level after 6 weeks

1.75x Reward Level after 12 weeks

2.5x Reward Level after 20 weeks

This is a vaultless rewards system and will be updated in real time for all holders of the UniLP $SNAKE token.

Initial Liquidity

Initial liquidity is crucial to a crypto project because it ensures that there are sufficient assets available for trading on the market. We will utilize funds from the NFT mint, as well as Venture Capital funding, to bootstrap the token liquidity.

Treasury Details

The Treasury will hold 40% of the total tokens (40,000 tokens). In addition to the tokens, the Treasury will hold ETH, received from the token presale and NFT sales.